Caroline Künzle’s Is this a joke? / C’est une joke?

We are pleased to mount Caroline Künzle’s Is this a joke? / C’est une joke? project in our Exhibition Lab from March 14 – 20, 2014.

CEREV Exhibition Lab
Concordia University J.W. McConnell Library Building
March 14, 2014
5 – 7 PM
Open to all. No RSVP necessary.
Facebook event

Viewing Hours at CEREV Exhibition Lab:

  • March 17: 12-3 PM
  • March 18: 12-3 PM
  • March 19: 12-3 PM
  • March 20: 12-3 PM

Open to the public, no reservation necessary.

Is this a joke? / C’est une joke? is an exploration of how the popular form of stand-up comedy can be an effective forum for addressing cultural prejudice, stereotypes, and racism. Within this forum, who speaks about whom is key to shaping a joke’s potency, legitimacy and effect. In order to investigate this further, the following experiment was designed: Local comics were asked to donate an “ethnic joke” and to consent to others re-telling it. If the funniness of a joke lies somewhere within the exchange between its teller and its audience, what happens to the joke if it is told by different speakers?

This exhibit is a component of Caroline Künzle’s MFA in Creative Practice with the Transart Institute.

Caroline Künzle is a Montreal-based artist working with music, performance, sound and video. She holds a B.A in Theatre from the University of Alberta (Edmonton), an M.A in Media Studies from Concordia University (Montreal) and is currently completing her MFA in Creative Practice with Transart Institute (Berlin & New York).

Much of her work is concerned with orality, whether in spoken or sung form, and an interest in using these popular forms of storytelling to engage with questions of representation, language and voice in the context of multicultural society. She sees the creative process as an experimental act, like the elaboration of a laboratory of conditions, through which truths may be sought, discovered and revealed.

Center for Ethnographic Research and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Violence