Silent Legacies of Genocide: A Comparative Study of Cambodian Canadian and Israeli Holocaust Trauma Descendant Memory Work

Identity Formation in the Aftermath
of Violence

co-sponsored by the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights

Studies (MIGS)

Dr. Carol Kidron (University of Haifa, Israel)

Monday, September 15 2008, 5:30pm, Room EV 3.309

Carol A. Kidron is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology-Anthropology at Haifa University, Israel. Her publications include “Toward an Ethnography of Silence: The Lived Presence of the Past in the Everyday Lives of Holocaust Trauma Descendants in Israel” published in Current Anthropology (in press), “The Homeric Hymn to Hermes: A Journey across the Continuum of Paradox” published in Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (2006) and “Surviving a Distant Past: A Case Study of the Cultural Construction of Trauma Descendant Identity” published in Ethos (2003). Kidron has undertaken ethnographic work with Holocaust trauma descendants in Israel and children of Cambodian genocide survivors in Canada. Her other research interests include: Cultural critique of therapeutic discourse, illness constructs, personal and collective memory-identity-work, Psychological Anthropology and Symbolic Anthropology.

Center for Ethnographic Research and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Violence