Thoughts from Intern Hellen Mshilla: Concordia, CEREV and Uganda

In the last three months during our Internship in Concordia University, we have learnt a lot under the guidance of CEREV technical director Lex Milton. We started meeting once a week, but spent more time leading up to our presentation on May 3rd, when we showcased the websites we made and other work we have done.

The technology was intimidating when I first took a tour of the CEREV lab. It looked so technical, and when we started to train, I felt overloaded with things to remember. But in a short time, the friendly environment allowed my confidence to develop. Lex was always reminding us how much we were improving. His understanding and reassuring tone kept us going. I will bring these skills home to my institution in Uganda, IPSS Gulu, where I can help to train staff, students, and community members on how to make websites and post about their research work, human rights issues, news, and even entertainment and social content. I believe this will help people understand Uganda better, and promote harmonyamong peoples and cultures.

Center for Ethnographic Research and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Violence