Interview with Joy Sather-Wagstaff

This November CEREV hosted Joy Sather-Wagstaff, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at North Dakota State University, who also delivered Concordia’s Annual Public History Lecture, “Embodiment, Experience, Exploration: A Polysensual Approach to Historicity.” Dr. Sather-Wagstaff presented a workshop on her comparative ethnographic research on 9/11, Oklahoma City, and National Holocaust Museum memorial sites.

CEREV postdoctoral fellow Monica Eileen Patterson had the chance to talk with Dr. Sather-Wagstaff in greater detail about her ongoing research and recent book publication, Heritage that Hurts: Tourists in the Memoryscapes of September 11 (2011, Left Coast Press). You can listen to the interview by clicking the following link:


Sather-Wagstaff Interview
Center for Ethnographic Research and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Violence